ECHHost Digital Media, Repositories and Collections
ECHHost Digital Repository
The ECHHost Educational Materials Repository contains documents and publications authored or co-authored by ECHHost students and staff.
This repository is a closed access repository, which means that the full text of the work deposited here is accessible to the registered users of this system via the web.
ECHHost Education RefDB
literature database is maintained by the Institute for Automotive and Alternate Energy Education (ECHEdu). The database is powered by refbase, an open source database front-end for managing scientific literature & citations.
ECHHost Education Journal Systems
literature database is maintained by the Institute for Automotive and Alternate Energy Education (ECHEdu). You're welcome to send any questions or suggestions to our feedback address. The database is powered by refbase, an open source database front-end for managing scientific literature & citations.
ECHHost Education Open Monograph Press
literature database is maintained by the Institute for Automotive and Alternate Energy Education (ECHEdu). The database is powered by refbase, an open source database front-end for managing scientific literature & citations.
Archon is award-winning software for archivists and manuscript curators. It automatically publishes archival descriptive information and digital archival objects in a user-friendly website. With Archon, there is no need to encode a finding aid, input a catalog record, or program a stylesheet. Archon's powerful scripts will automatically make everything in the system searchable and browsable on your repository's website!
ECHHost Education Development Repository [main]
The ECHHost Educational Development Repository contains software projects and code authored or co-authored by ECHHost students and staff.
This repository is a closed access repository, which means that the full text of the work deposited here is accessible to the registered users of this system via the web.
AContent Authoring Tool
AContent is a learning content authoring tool and repository that supports customization of the learning content to the individual needs of each learner.
Beacon Authoring Tool
Beacon is aimed at being a generic XML editor. Any XML format that has an ultimate output format like PDF or HTML is a good candidate for a beacon-editable document. Beacon allows the user to edit the output of that XML document and will automatically generate the input corresponding to the output the user sees.
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